Green S.O.S Base Coat
Glass Bottle: Emptied, cleaned and dried bottles can either be reused or placed in a recycling bin seperate from other materials to avoid contamination. If your local manicapality does not accept glass for recycling, bottles can be brought to a collection center. No need to remove labeling.
Plastic Cap (Plastic-type #5 - Polypropylene): Clean and remove cap from brush attachment and place in recycling bin or bring to a local collection center.
Nail Brush (Plastic-type #4 - Low Density Polyethylene): Clean and remove cap from brush and place in recycling bin or bring to a local collection center.
Label: No need to remove label as glass recycling processes will remove any labelilng
Box (Kraft Paper Box): Paper box can be unfolded and added to paper recycling bin or brought to a local collection center, Kraft paper box can also be added to any compost bin.
As always, verify your local municipality's recycling regulations and procedures and for more information please go to or
Green Oil
Glass Bottle: Emptied, cleaned and dried bottles can either be reused or placed in a recycling bin seperate from other materials to avoid contamination. If your local manicapality does not accept glass for recycling, bottles can be brought to a collection center. No need to remove labeling.
Glass Dropper: Remove product completely and seperate from lid. Once emptied, cleaned and dried, glass can be placed in a recycling bin seperate from other materials to avoid contaimination. If your local manicapality does not accept glass for recycling, glass dropper can be brought to a collection center.
Plastic Lid (Plastic type #5: Polypropylene and Nirtile): Seperated, cleaned and dried lid attachment and pressure squeeze attachment can be added to recycling bin seperate from other materials to avoid contaimination or taken to a collection center.
Label: No need to remove label as glass recycling processes will remove any labelilng
Box (Kraft Paper Box): Paper box can be unfolded and added to paper recycling bin or brought to a local collection center, Kraft paper box can also be added to any compost bin.
As always, verify your local municipality's recycling regulations and procedures and for more information please go to or