New in ✨

Check out what's new from our nail care & color experts in Paris.

We are always looking for exciting ways to help you spice up your nail&hand care routine by bringing you innovativeplant-based and sustainable new products!

Nourishing Nail Pen

Discover the new on-the-go Nourishing Nail Pen, a nourishing and strengthening nail care pen for your nails and cuticles.

Holiday Collection 24 🎀

Get ready to celebrate with our three new colors: Quartz, Satin, and Mystic

System Green™ ✨

Essentials for a complete, easy, and quick Green™ manicure routine!
Result: express drying in the open air, lasting wear and shine for up to 7 days, gel effect without a lamp.

Active™ Manicure Kits

Everything you need to care for your nails with the Active™ Range.